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Electromagnetic MPMXL Compound Gun

The new electromagnetic MPMXL 2023 is gun designed for Big production formats e.g. Drums, Pails or productions where very viscous materials are to be applied has the particularity that it runs solely with electrical current generated by Gemini ROSSO or our GEM PLC Power Module Control Unit without the need of compressed air (MKIII).

The absence of gaskets simplifies immensely the maintenance operations, in terms of time and spare parts: the replacement of the nozzle/needle components are the only activities of ordinary maintenance.
The reduced size and the blocking mechanism (identical to the MKIII) of the gun facilitate it’s positioning on the production line.

A particularity of the gun is that the compound is in contact only with the nozzle and needle, eliminating the necessity to dismantle the whole gun for maintenance and cleaning.
There is the possibility to install calibrated recirculation reductions to ensure a stable return of product (heated products, bi-component product etc.)
The electric coil, allows the command of the needle through the “fix magnet”, this allows for a
very rapid and precise the opening/closing time making it ideal for last generation
production lines in combination with the new GEMINI ROSSO Controller or GEM PLC POWER Module for installation on lines equipped with modern PLC Control.
The diameters of the nozzle are available in various sizes (from 1,0mm up to 3,0mm of diam)

Unit’s components:

Gun Body Casing in INOX
12V Command Coil
Coil Connector
Needle in WIDIAM
Nozzle in INOX
Springs for Needle

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